| Protected face mask must always be worn inside the playing fields!
| Marker barrel covers must be on at all times outside the playing fields!
| Do not point marker at anything/anyone you do not intend to shoot!
| Field Refs have the final word. NO ARGUING!
| Obey all posted signs!
| Make sure you see what you are shooting! No blind firing!
| Paintball must break in order for you to be eliminated! Splatters do not count, Ref will make the call.
| No vulger/foul language!
| Absolutely no execution style shots!
| 20 foot surrender rule. If you come upon someone at close range from behind them and they are not aware of your presence, you must give the option to surrender!
| Never pick up paintballs from the ground to use in marker!
| Physical contact between players is not allowed! (see below)
| Players may never climb trees!
| When eliminated, make your way off the playing field with your gun in the air with barrel cover on. Make sure you verbally state you are eliminated.
| Always be aware of terrain and surroundings.
| Only Paintballs purchased from our office are allowed.
| No pets allowed, leashed or unleashed.
| We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
| Have fun!